Why Millennials Aren’t Joining Your Association and How To Fix It

Association Marketing
millennial engagement

When’s the last time you took a long look at your association members hair? Wait – their hair? I know it sounds strange but hear me out. Next time you’re at member meeting or a large conference, take a look around you. Are all your members grey? If the answer is yes, it may be time to recruit younger members. To help, we’re discussing ways to increase Millennial engagement in 3 easy steps.

Millennials represent more than a quarter of the world’s population, according to the United States Census Bureau. They’ve surpassed baby boomers and continue to drive growth in the workforce. Considering this, it’s crucial your association prioritizes efforts to attract younger members.

If you read our post yesterday about engaging Millennial donors, you’ll know that traditional marketing techniques don’t resonate with this generation. Millennials engage with businesses that advertise their philanthropic efforts. It’s not enough that your business benefits them; they want to know their participation is contributing to something bigger. They want associations that invest in technology and are accessible on the. While it can take time to establish a foundation or non-profit campaign, we have come up with a few strategies you can implement today.

Get smart with social

You’ve heard this time and time again – you must have a social media strategy to attract millennials. 90% of millennials use social media, according to the PEW Research Center. If that staggering statistic doesn’t convince you to make moves, consider that even adult engagement on social media has grown significantly in the last decade. Investing in a social strategy can benefit you across the board. Not sure where to start? Check out this article >> What social media platform to use for your association

Credit: PEW Research Center

Get technical

Similar to our point above, it’s not enough to just be on social media. Increase interest and retention with Millennials by offering a mobile-friendly website, easy access to an online portal, or even a membership app so they can find resources on their mobile device. Not sure if your group is up to par? See the latest technology trends here: Association tech trends

Offer creative benefits

Industry resources, professional connections, government lobbying… while all these offerings are great member benefits, they’re also expected. To really help your Millennial engagement increase, think outside the box. To help you get started, check out a few of our posts on member benefits and attracting prospects:

Establishing a connection with Millennials can be tough if you’re used to strategies implemented for baby boomers. But, with a change in messaging and a small investment in technology, you can quickly increase your engagement with Millennials.

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