How to Boost Membership with Millennials

Association Marketing
increase millennial membership

“More than one-in-three American workers today are Millennials (adults ages 18 to 34 in 2015), and this year they surpassed Generation X to become the largest share of the American workforce.” – Pew Research Center

millennial boom

Image Credit: Pew Research Center

The American workforce is changing. People of my generation (millennials) are taking over at high speed and we aren’t slowing down anytime soon. To keep up with this change, it’s important you develop strategies that serve young members.

Why the struggle?

Building strategies that work first take analysis. What do statistics tell us? XYZ University, a leading expert on Generations X, Y, and Z, lays out the cold hard truth.

Yikes! If these numbers don’t inspire you to make changes, I don’t know what will.  We know it’s easy to get overwhelmed – here’s the good news: XYZ also took the time to research why millennials find associations valuable and the reason they would join if it fits in their budget so you know where to start.

If you’re struggling to figure out what will make a difference in your strategy, consider the information below.

Image Credit: Abila

Be the go-to job resource

One of the hardest transitions for millennials is moving from the comforts of college into the workforce. The jobs they want require 3-5 years experience and desired positions are hard to come by. Make positions more accessible by offering a job board to members. Post job descriptions on your public site but only allow members to apply. This gives an incentive to prospects.

Advertising open positions on your site not only draws in college grads but it also helps the companies who needs young talent.

Affordable options

If you’re trying to attract post-college graduates, it may be time to reevaluate your membership fees. New grads are low on funds and have probably accumulated a bit of debt. Even $100 / year can seem like a lot to them. Think about offering discounted rates or even set up a program where members can “pay” for their membership by volunteering at your event or sharing your association with friends.

Connect on social media

Posting on Facebook once a month won’t really cut it. To create a successful engagement strategy, you’ll need to ramp up your social media efforts across the appropriate platforms. Here are just a few ways you can engage:

  • Share blog posts
  • Start a contest and offer prizes for the most social shares
  • Share upcoming event information
  • Tease events or upcoming news with images or videos

Opt-in early

The best time to engage members is right after they graduate, according to a study from Abila. Show them the benefit of joining with your job board and low prices. The longer someone progresses in their career, the harder it will be to recruit.

Making all of these changes could be overwhelming. Instead of changing everything at once, try one tactic at a time. Test your actions and analyze the results.

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