Wednesday Roundup: Growing Your Membership, Part 4.

Administrative Management, Growing Your Membership
grow membership value proposition

This is the last post in our “Growing Your Membership” series. Keep an eye out next Wednesday for a new theme on Wednesday Roundup. If there’s a topic you’d like to see, reach out to us at

If you missed it, here’s a recap on the last 3 weeks. We’ve discussed growing your membership through…

To learn more about each topic, check out our posts titled “Wednesday Roundup: Growing Your Membership”.

What is Your Value Proposition?

This week’s post will focus on your value proposition (VP). To grow your member base, you need to clearly communicate what you offer and why it’s worth purchasing. If you’re not familiar, a value proposition is a “believable collection of the most persuasive reasons people should notice you and take the action you’re asking for,” says Peter Sandeen on the Kissmetrics blog. Prospects should know your VP within seconds of entering your site. Hubspot says 55% of site visitors will bounce in 15 seconds. 

Think about your own VP – is it a lengthy paragraph of everything you do and will do for a prospect? Or is it a punchy one-liner that quickly conveys your mission? Hopefully, it’s the latter. Not only does a great VP help prospective members but it also gives you direction and focus. If you know what you’re working towards, establishing strategy will be much easier.

Hone in on what you’re good at. What makes your association different? Maybe you have the most up to date resource center or access to special documents to share with members? Or your events offer top notch education credits? “If you’re the best in at least one way, you’re the best option for the people who value that aspect,” (Sandeen).

Know Your Competitors

If you’re still unsure of what focus on, look at your competition. What are they offering to their members? Do you do the same thing but better? Find your strengths and figure out how to communicate them in ways that are more convincing than the competition. “Put yourself in your client’s shoes and ask how your services create more value than those your competitors are offering. Be prepared to be challenged,” says Lisa Marie of Marketing Tips for Translators.

To understand your audience even further, ask current members why they choose you over the competition. Let their answers direct your efforts with prospects,

How to Prove You’re Valuable

Now that you’ve got a convincing VP, how can you prove it? Remember “being the best [at what you do] isn’t enough. People need to believe you’re the best option for them” (Sandeen). There are many ways to prove your worth. Share compelling resources, case studies, or testimonials. See how StudioPress features customer testimonies front and center on their site.

Share customer testimonies to grow your membership

Credit: StudioPress

Even if you know your association is a great fit for a prospect, it’s more convincing for them to hear it from an actual customer. Consider adding testimonials to your site. Don’t have any? Reach out to an active member and ask for their help. If they’re engaged in your association, it’s likely they’ll want to help you.

That’s the end of June’s edition of Wednesday Roundup! Be sure to check back next week for the July’s topic.

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