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The navigations menus are the building blocks for your website’s structure. To add a new tab to your navigation, click “Add Menu” to bring up the settings. Use the Menu Order field to determine what order this tab will display in your navigation bar. If two menus have the same number, AMO will sort those tabs alphabetically. Next type in the name that the Menu should have when viewed on the website.


Menu Access

If you would like this menu to remain hidden while you work on building the pages that will be under it, uncheck the “Active” checkbox. You can also select whether this menu should be viewable to all visitors both those who are just viewing the public site as well as members who are logged in using the “Viewable By” drop-down.


Other Settings

  • If you would like this menu to link to the online store, click on the “Store Functionality” checkbox.
  • If you don’t want this menu to show a sub-navigation, then click this checkbox.
  • If you would like to have this menu link out to another webpage, fill in the full URL that it should link to in this text area.

When you have created these settings, click “Add Menu” and you’re ready to create your webpages for this menu or additional menus.