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Connect Your PayPal PayFlowPro Account

Our Integration with PayPal PayFlow Pro

It’s time to take some payments and you’ll be doing it in style with PayPal PayFlowPro. This will allow your members to pay by credit or debit card while making a payment through AMO. Whether it be for events, membership, the online store, a donation, or a generic invoice. Your members will never be taken over to the PayPal site but will stay on the same page as their registration. This creates a seamless checkout process.

What you’ll need to know:

You’ll need to get your credentials for PayPal Manager handy. If you forgot your loginĀ find it here.

Once you have those details you’ll need to plug them in to the Credit Card Settings in your AMO account.
(Found under Financial Information > Credit Card Settings).

Select PayPal PayFlow Pro from the dropdown menu on the page and match up the fields this way:

  • AMO Field: Account Login = PayPal Manager Field: User
  • AMO Field: Account Password = PayPal Manager Filed: Password
  • AMO Field: Partner = PayPal Manager Field: Partner

Once you’ve added in all of your values, click “Update Credit Card Settings” and you’re good to go!